June 25, 2008

  • NEWS FLASH: disclaimers and clarifications!

    I had hardly submitted yesterday's post when I began to think of things that I ought to have better defined, disclaimers that I should have made.  Then, I bought the book and began to read it -- Holy need-to-clarify, Batman! 

    In light of that, let me add the following bullet points regarding my ATTEMPT at a 21-day cleanse and the book, Quantum Wellness ...

    • When I decided to do this cleanse and announced it via blog, I did not make reference to THE OTHER SEVEN THINGS that this book addresses and suggests that the reader incorporate, like meditation (which I've done for 20 years), SPIRITUALITY (not planning to discuss that; I believe that, or lack thereof, is a private matter ... unless I'm itching for a fight), and the whole idea of Quantum Wellness.  The OTHER SEVEN THINGS, or SIX of them, are already part of my life and I intend to continue as well as to further develop these practices.  I'm really skimming over that part of the book because it is SO been-there-done-that.  The focus of this cleanse, for me, is ... TO CLEANSE and to eat more consciously, which is something that I think needs improvement in my life. 
    • The book emphasizes small steps and the sort of butterfly effect that they can produce, and that is something that I also already practice and believe.  For instance, I count the little successes ... any time that I choose water over coffee or beer, each yoga pose and each walk around the yard, reading a book instead of turning on the television, or avoiding a SECOND piece of four-year aged cheddar. 
    • I DON'T WATCH OPRAH!!!  Okay, so sometimes I happen to see a show if there's going to be something or someone on that I am really curious about, but I DON'T WATCH OPRAH.  In general, she's just a little much for me, if you know what I mean. 
    • The basics for the cleanse are no alcohol, no caffeine, no sugar, no gluten, and no animal products.  I am rather in the habit of, also, avoiding processed foods as much as possible.  However, I noticed ON OPRAH'S 21-DAY CLEANSE BLOG (yes, I read the blog) that the participants were eating Morningstar sausage patties and such.  I don't PLAN to do that, but I may as it seems the lesser of two evils if I, in full knowledge of the crime I'm about to commit, should choose to CHEAT.   

    I've decided to 'pulse' what I eat ... meaning that I will post my meals and snacks via 'pulse' on Xanga.  You can find that link HERE.  Unfortunately, I can't find an RSS feed for the site.  I considered posting my food choices to Twitter, but I don't want to clutter up X's witty comments. 

    I think that I'm going to start the cleanse today or tomorrow.  I don't know if I am anxious to start, or ... anxious to get it over with.   

    My other Quantum Wellness posts: 

Comments (10)

  • Bravo! I've thought about seriously doing a cleanse [for sure I could use one]. Maybe after I lose these last 5 or so pounds.

  • 1. I didn't know you had Twitter! I am now a follower, though I 'twitter' very infrequently... I wish it would update my Pulse on here, too. Then I'd use it more.
    2. The book actually sounds kind of cool. I almost said 'awesome,' but I think that without reading it, that might be a little much for praise.
    3. I just realized I haven't made my lunch for today yet and I'm already going to be late...
    4. There are pretty much NO bad reviews of the book on Amazon, which is super impressive.
    5. I don't know if I could do the cleanse - it would be rather... large steps to get even remotely close to that sort of eating-style-ness for me. But the idea does have merit.
    6. Go you. You'll do awesome. :)
    7. Looking forward to the pulses!
    8. Please enjoy this adorable mini.
    9. And have a great day!

  • I love reading the comments on these posts - how interesting how interested everyone is in what people eat and do.

    Butterfly effect - yes.

  • i dunno when my book is coming. i only watch oprah with my mama. i like when dr. oz is on. he knows everything!

  • @firephly - Dr. Oz wrote the forward for the book!  I have to say that the cleanse is VERY vague ... the basics, still, are no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, no animal products, and no gluten.  Then, in the recipe section, they'll say to use "whole wheat pitas" or "whole wheat pasta", and I think, "Isn't there gluten in that?!"  So, I'm making my own adjustments as I see fit.  I'm so glad that you're doing this with me!!

  • I worry that if I eschewed caffeine and alcohol for twenty-one days, I would simply evaporate for lack of anything else to hold myself together. I'm not proud of this.

  • if everything goes well I am going to have my sister blog the day of surgery. I will only be in overnight if nothing happens.
    So I should be back within a few days. :)
    you are too sweet!

  • I read Dooce this morning, and noticed that her doctor told her to bag the cleanse.  of course, everyone's eating habits are so different to begin with.  were I not about to start traveling as much as I am, I might try it, but changing my diet while traveling...  I don't have the patience!  good luck!

  • @ombrastarr - I read that and the first thing I thought was, 'of course he's going to say that ... he's a STUPID doctor!'  Heh.  Personally, I think that her body was just detoxifying.  And, I'll take that luck; I'm gonna need it!

  • If you are finding it hard to beat not having that second cup of coffee try this.
    Take a small scoop of your favorite coffee grounds and place them in a sealed container.
    When the urge is just too much to bear open the container and smell.
    Keep doing this until you find your craving passes.
    IF it doesn't pass at first, try cutting your coffee down by 1/2 a glass or even a "shot" of coffee at a time.
    That might help you get through this.

    You can do this with coffee beans or any other fragrant food as well.


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