June 19, 2008

  • With tomorrow being X's birthday and the summer solstice, and me busy tidying up of details for TWO parties and this thing called LIFE, I do believe I'm going to be a little behind with posting.  I am already behind on commenting, and I do apologize for that.  I will tell you right now:  I WON'T GET CAUGHT UP. 

    (I'll try to get X to post at HER SITE tomorrow, as her b-day seems to be about the only time that she ever blogs.)

    If by some chance you are missing me, bored, or PLAIN CRAZY, you can find me at MY OTHER BLOG, where I write a little more in-depth.  Think ... a paragraph as opposed to a TITLE.  I also have a VIDEO BLOG.  I know, I know ... like I need to spend more time blogging, right?  I post videos there almost daily.  It is ALMOST interesting.  Okay, it's not really interesting at all. 

    There's also Twitter, which is kind of like Xanga's Pulse, and Flickr, where I post the photos you see here PLUS the ones that don't quite make the cut. 

    These links are also in my left-hand sidebar for my your convenience. 

    (About the photo?  My first-ever Xanga self-portrait ... from SIX years ago.  So many friends have been celebrating their Xangaversaries this week, and I will celebrate six years in August!   Heh, remember that poor little camera that was held together with duct tape?  Sometimes I miss the days of point-and-shoot cameras.  Mostly NOT; I love my DSLR, but am now ready for a new one.  Soon.  Maybe.)